He Loves You Not. (just venting)

Posted by Taylor Danielle
I think its time for a wake up call to all the mothers (and the fathers
too) who choose a man (or woman) over their own child. This is the
second time within the last two years one of my friends moms decided to
choose their boyfriend over them. What kind of shit is that? First time
it happened with one of my friends it was over some dude who molested
her and her mom didn't want to believe it, she listened to every fucking
lie that nasty ass pussy said..ooo im getting mad just sitting here
typing this shit. How the fuck can you not believe that? There might be
kids out there that are compulsive liars but my friend isn't one of them
&& it pisses me off that her mom would think so. Don't really wanna go
into detail but yeah that was the first time.

Now just two days ago I got a call from my other friend crying and shit
saying her mom is changing for this dude and she's stressing (she has a
heart condition btw) and this and that. Automatically I wanted to hit
somebody..almost punched my little sister in her mouth lmfao! Seriously
though that dude doesn't love her and I don't care what you say you
should never ever ever ever ever have to change your appearance
drastically for anybody but yourself and don't you even think about
changing who you are as a person!! That made me even more mad because I
love that lady like a aunt and to see her act as dumb as she is upsets
me. She doesn't realize that he can just take everything from her and
leave her homeless and all kinds of shit. She's acting like a dumbass
teenager who thinks they've just fell in love. News flash babes you
won't live happily ever after with this one.

I can't believe I have more sense then these two grown ass woman! I see
right through these dude so why can't they? I know for a fact they just
want to keep their men but when do you stop and think about how your
child is being affected while you chase dick all damn day? What a good
example right? And they try to tell me I don't know what love is..maybe
not but I know damn sure you don't either! I'm happy my parents don't
choose the people they are in a relationship with over me and they
actually ask me what I think of that person on a daily! I'm not saying
that you should put YOUR kid in particular over whoever but at least
think carefully about what your child is telling you..please. Especially
if they tell you they are being fuckin molested you selfless bitch!!

1 Response to 'He Loves You Not. (just venting)'

  1. BRIA Said,

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