King Of Pop (1958-2009)

Posted by Taylor Danielle

Michael Jackson is dead. Its weird to even type those words and be dead serious. I can't sit here and talk about how i remember growing up to his music because i didn't, I'm a youngin lOl. But everybody and their Granny [literally] knows about MJ, internationally as well...everybody loves Michael except for Kat Williams but that's a whole different story lOl. If you don't know he died after suffering cardiac arrest prier to having a heart attack yesterday, around 1 p.m. he collapsed in his home and when paramedics came he wasn't breathing then he was rushed to UCLA hospital but they were unable to revive him. But there are still the Chris Brown's, the Usher's, and the Omarion's that will continue to carry out the Michael Jackson legacy. He is the fucking best regardless of the whole bleaching himself thing and the child molestation charges...I LOVE HIM! Who can forget that he invented the moonwalk and who hasn't seen that looong ass video Thriller?

Also Farrah Fawcett and Ed McMahon died today as well.

this is reaaally my shit!

4 Response to 'King Of Pop (1958-2009)'

  1. Unknown Said,

    Its a shame about my but well...How are you this is a nice well thought out blog and you're kinda cute too x

    What city are u from


  2. tripleF Said,

    its sad rip mj and add me as a friend


  3. i wonder what they are going to do about that concert on london? i know they are MADD