Its A Boy!

Posted by Taylor Danielle

Okay discard that last post lOl. Well me and my friend Kendall were
talking about abortions recently so I want to write my opinion in my

"Abortion is called a "choice". What is really chosen is the killing
of a human being. The methods differ but the results are the same - a
dead baby."

I know that scientifically speaking, when you get an abortion its not an
actual baby. But to me if that stick says you're pregnant its a baby! My
friend Kendall and I always go back and fourth on this topic, she has
some good points but I'm not going to change my mind.

If you don't want a baby then keep your legs closed! Seriously. I get
that people get raped and obviously they don't want something around
that would cause them to remember what happened but I mean come on now.
I would sort of understand if that was the case but adoption is always a

I think its sickening how people have tons of abortions just for the
fuck of it. I was watching something once and some chick's boyfriend
didn't want to use protection so if she got pregnant (which she did) he
made he get an abortion. Let me add that it was over I think about 13
times that she got pregnant. Also there's some girl who had 30 abortions
in 2 months, that's beyond disgusting.
Parents need to step up their part too.

I know/heard of a couple of teenagers who accidently got pregnant and
wasn't ready for a child or didn't want their parents to find out cause
they knew what would happen to them so they went and nipped it in the
bud. I would be upset if my child got pregnant or got someone pregnant
at a young age but I would never suggest a abortion.

If I were to find out I was pregnant right now..pshh..I mean yes, I
would be mad at myself and scared, but I would go through with the ish.
But I know I can't speak on behave of the next person. I would feel so
guilty afterwards like..look how cutee it is!

The most disturbing ways to have an abortion:


In this method, the cervical muscle ring must be paralyzed and stretched
open. The abortionist then inserts a hollow plastic tube with a
knife-like edge into the uterus. The suction tears the baby's body
into pieces. The placenta is cut from the uterine wall and everything is
sucked into a bottle.

Dilation and Curettage (D and C)

This is similar to a suction procedure except a curette, a loop-shaped
steel knife is inserted into the uterus. The baby and placenta are cut
into pieces and scraped out into a basin. Bleeding is usually very heavy
with this method.

Dilation and Evacuation (D and E)

This type of abortion is done after the third month of pregnancy. The
cervix must be dilated before the abortion. Usually Laminaria sticks are
inserted into the cervix. These are made of sterilized seaweed that is
compressed into thin sticks. When inserted, they absorb moisture and
expand, thus enlarging the cervix. A pliers-like instrument is inserted
through the cervix into the uterus. The abortionist then seizes a leg,
arm or other part of the baby and, with a twisting motion, tears it from
the body. This continues until only the head remains. Finally the skull
is crushed and pulled out. The nurse must then reassemble the body parts
to be sure that all of them were removed.

Dilation and Extraction (D and X)

This abortion is also used on mid and late term babies, from 4 to 9
months gestation. Ultrasound is used to identify how the unborn baby is
facing in the womb. The abortionist inserts forceps through the cervical
canal into the uterus and grasps one of the baby's legs, positioning
the baby feet first, face down (breech position). The child's body is
then pulled out of the birth canal except for the head which is too
large to pass through the cervix. The baby is alive, and probably
kicking and flailing his legs and arms. The abortionist hooks his
fingers over the baby's shoulders, holding the woman's cervix away
from the baby's neck. He then jams blunt tipped surgical scissors into
the base of the skull and spreads the tips apart to enlarge the wound. A
suction catheter is inserted into the baby's skull and the brain is
sucked out. The skull collapses and the baby's head passes easily
through the cervix.

Think that's disturbing? Go to:

-Taylor V.

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