"Light Skin vs. Dark Skin. Some blacks feel that they are better than other blacks because of the complexion of there skin. This is a problem that has been going on for years and years in the black community. The lighter you are, you’re considered beautiful, smart and classy. The darker you are, you’re considered ugly and ghetto. In this video, it shows the pure ignorance that stills lives amongst us today." - Bossip.com
lOl people try to deny this all the time but its true. its basically racism within a race. i kinda do the same thing in a way..like i don't really like dudes that are really light or dudes that are really dark. idk i'm dark skin and if somebody don't like me cause i'm dark skin i don't get mad && make angry youtube videos about it thats just what they like i can't and i don't be mad about that! like when yung berg said "i don't like dark-butts" everybody got on his back about it, calling somebody a "dark-butt" was kinda ignorant but that's what he likes, if he rather fuck only light skin girls (or boys lOl) then who are you to tell him he can't? even though he made no since cause his baby mom is a "dark-butt"..maybe she got him on child support or something so he stopped fuckin with dark skin girls lOl. the video is a little bit..wow but it shows how retarded both sides act. i fucks with both sides so i can't relate
she saying kinda what i'm saying and then some even though her voice erks lOl